
Morong, Bataan – The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant

The Nuclear Power Plant was constructed during the time that the oil fired power plant because it is to expensive. Nuclear Power is cheaper than to produce than electricity.

According to WISE News Communique,  the Philippine Nuclear started in 1958, the creation of the Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) under Republic Act 2067. Ferdinand Marcos anounce the decision to build he nuclear power plant. This is a response to 1973 oil crisis. And Marcos believed that the nuclear plant is the solution to the countries energy demand.

The construction of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant started in 1976. Construction on the BNPP stopped. Because studies show that it was built near major earthquake fault comes and close to Mount Pinatubo.

Lets visit the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant because it contributed a lot for our country. We can transform it into a museum to make it known again. This are simple ways how to inspire others how great the creation is.

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