About me

I want you guys to know what I know and research in my hometown Bataan. And I will focus on the Old establishments in the City and Provinces. I will inspire you guys that Bataan is full of great establishments and it can show us the beauty of it. Bataan wont only be remembered as the war place.


Hi! Im Arvin Regis A. Caparas. First year college from De La Salle taking up BS Industrial Engineering. It is my first time to do this sort of activity and this can show how good we can be as a good researcher. It can also help us to stop plagiarism imitating works of others is a big crime, its punishable. It cant make us a good people, it only show that we are a fake. This activity set our minds in the right way. All of us can be inspired. stop plagiarism and let us learn how to think for our own originality.


Comments and suggestions are well accepted for the betterment of the people interest.


– Arvin Regis Caparas